I have bowed to nature’s whim and decided to return home to La Paz. Tomorrow, Tuesday, I return my rental car. My foot remains swollen and it is difficult for me to walk. It’s not really walking but more like hobbling along, much like a doddering old man. Which, come to think of it, is what most passersby would probably consider me to be. The horror: reason enough to leave. I did get to visit with a couple of my good friends in La Masica though, on that first day right after the accident. The rest of my time here in La Ceiba I have parked myself in various seaside restaurant/bars killing the pain with beer, elevating my leg, and eating excellent seafood. What a way to go, eh? But after five days, go I must. Home to recuperate. Best news is that there is no bone fracture; I can bear weight, a little more each day.
Life Can Change In An Instant
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