My name is Fortunato Velasquez. I received my Registered Nurse’s license from the State of California during the month that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon (my grandsons once eagerly asked me if there were any dinosaurs around when I was growing up). My experiences in nursing have included employment in Emergency Departments, Intensive Care Units, Home Health Care, Public Health, and Community Health Care in places as diverse and far-ranging as California’s San Joaquin Valley working with migrant workers to the Tule River Indian Reservation to San Francisco big city hospitals to ten years as a volunteer RN with mentor Joan Truskoff at the Pike Market Medical Clinic on Seattle’s waterfront; and now I have been honored by my country with an assignment to a posting as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Honduras. In order to satisfy a persistent, insistent muse, I have also completed graduate work at the University of Washington instructed by authors Michael Byers, Janna Harris and Carol Orlock in Literary Fiction Writing. As a result I have written two novels and a number of short stories (Nothing published: Yet). In addition I have had the pleasure of working as a volunteer TESOL tutor with colleagues Sharon Victor and Sara Elefson at the Literacy Council of Seattle. I am grateful to have been provided with such eclectic opportunities. Thank you, Gaea…. I hope we’re not too late.