The government has appropriated space in empty La Paz schools to house overflow symptomatic covid-19 positive patients. The high school has become a food distribution center. The country has 27,583 positive individuals and 771 deaths attributed to the virus. All the country’s hospitals are filled to capacity. There’s no room at the Inn. The populace continues on mandated lock-down. Municipalities screen visitors and deny entrance to outsiders. The Fundación Señor San José, the Children’s Home, is empty and silent. I maintain my apartment and a presence to thwart thieves. The foundation’s president has ordered no business activity until after the Quarantine. Realistically, the country is locked down for the rest of the year and perhaps longer. The outside world is doing no better than us, and probably worse. I have a home: I can buy food: I am allowed to drive my car one day in 10. But there’s no place to go. I thank God for my health, for my family, and for my friends here in La Paz. Again, realistically, my attorney friend has made out my last will and testament.