I have hired two friends to help me half a day once a week to keep the Children´s Home in good order and the grounds well-kept. One is a lady who worked at the Home part-time when it was still in operation. The other a former resident who graduated high school last year with a focus on bilingual education and who now lives with her grandmother nearby. Deisi Milagro told me last week as we prepared ground for a garden that she had taught a fourth grade class English for her senior class project before graduating. She was so happy that the kids didn´t want her to leave and wrote notes asking her to remain. She added that she had taught the kids the same English lessons I taught her and and several other residents of the Home over the years. I will help her continue her studies at the university as soon as the pandemic allows. That news made my day. I remember I considered my teaching as planting the seeds of a garden and watching the seeds flower. Life is a garden of love. What you sow, so shall you reap. Deisi Milagro and I are now sowing gardens together.
Pleasant News
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