Construcción 1 Junio 2013

Construcción 30 Mayo 2013 001Well, here we are in June and the new building is coming right along and I am still struggling controlling arrangement of the text and pictures in these entries. I will continue to experiment. Meanwhile enjoy the progress. The gentleman talking with Sister Edith is our US benefactor visiting with his son leaning against the post with the engineer and architect in background.

Construcción 30 Mayo 2013 007

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About Fortunato Velasquez

Fortunato Velasquez received his Registered Nurse's license from the State of California during the month that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. On February 15, 2020, my friend and the director of the Fundación Señor San José in La Paz, La Paz, Honduras, Sister Edith Suazo Fernandez died at the age of 47. This a video of her funeral.

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