“Tengo miedo,” she said. I’m scared. The second-year high school student stood before the escalator at the Cascadas Mall. She had never seen an escalator and hesitated putting her foot onto the upwardly moving step. Many of the students at the Instituto Lorenzo Cervantes are from rural aldeas (villages) that have few services or amenities (no running water, paved streets, stores). My contraparte Ana, the Profe Guadalupe, and myself chaperoned thirty alumnos to Tegucigalpa’s Museo de la Historia de Honduras last Saturday. Tegus, the capital city of more than one million inhabitants, contains many wonders, the fabulous museum being one. Although prohibited from taking pictures in most exhibits, especially the mixographs of Mexican artist Tamaya, we were allowed a little freedom. Afterward we went to the mall for lunch and shopping. The kids had a great day. I had a great day. I love my job!
Hicks From the Sticks
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