Hamburger Day!

A hamburger has to have pickles, tomato, lettuce, onion, cheese, mustard, mayonnaise, meat and a hamburger bun, which is what we feasted on last Saturday at the Hogar San Jose.  The kids had their first cheeseburgers ever with Lays Potato Chips and they loved them.  My friend Patrick, posted at San Marcos, Santa Barbara, had stopped for the night on his way to Tegus from where he would ship out after having finished his two-year tour and I put him to work cooking hamburgers.  He’s tall as a pine tree, very Anglo-looking, and dressed in a bright green T-shirt and bright yellow pants he kind of reminded me of a hamburger himself.  The kids loved him.  Afterward we sat around and ate watermelon, the kids commenting on the technique of eating hamburgers that I taught them.  Grab the burger with both hands, open mouth wide, bite!  And enjoy!

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About Fortunato Velasquez

Fortunato Velasquez received his Registered Nurse's license from the State of California during the month that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. On February 15, 2020, my friend and the director of the Fundación Señor San José in La Paz, La Paz, Honduras, Sister Edith Suazo Fernandez died at the age of 47. This a video of her funeral.

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