We worked our butts off, the aspirantes (trainees) and I, last Saturday. From the bottom right the pic shows the tejas (tiles) in the distance that we moved that morning. Past the shower/bathroom around the patio to an empty corner room where Evan, Katy and Anastasia and I hand-carried the tejas for temporary storage while construction continues. Outside the storage area the workers continued the rebuilding across from the patio where they had already constructed the tarima (platform visible in the last two upper left pics) for the water tanks that will be installed in a couple of weeks; the tarima just visible in the bottom right pic from where we moved the tejas. The aspirantes volunteer their labor every Saturday morning. They finish their capacitacion (Field Based Training) in La Paz on May 7th, after which they will be sworn in by the U.S. Ambassador at the U.S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa as Peace Corps Volunteers and sent to posts all across the country.
The Work Continues With Aspirante Help
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