La Paz

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That´s me to the right in Yarumela, a small town about 10 kilometers from La Paz where I and two other advanced Spanish aspirantes have Spanish language classes every morning for the next two weeks, then once a week for 5 weeks.  We´re picked up at 7 am and returned to La Paz at noon for lunch, then have other classes at the Hotel Villa Livia in the afternoon.  Today it will be ´Yo Meresco´an abstinence class for teaching the dangers of STDs and unwanted pregnancy to young girls to prevent HIV/AIDS and encourage education.  The picture above of the south end of the horse (actually the west end of the horse looking east) is the road I take to my host family´s home visible at the end of the block (click on the picture).  Most of the streets are paved in La Paz.  None of the streets are paved in Yarumela.  The picture to the left is me in Juticalpa before I got sick.  Again, few paved roads there.  I´m on lunch break.  More this weekend.

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About Fortunato Velasquez

Fortunato Velasquez received his Registered Nurse's license from the State of California during the month that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. On February 15, 2020, my friend and the director of the Fundación Señor San José in La Paz, La Paz, Honduras, Sister Edith Suazo Fernandez died at the age of 47. This a video of her funeral.

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