Travel Tips

Driving a long distance requires careful planning. Think two weeks on the road through three Spanish-speaking countries with the US of Norteamerica near the Canadian border the final destination. When I travel long cross-country distances, I approach the journey like a job. I begin at 7 am, stop for a leisurely lunch and at 4 pm I look for a hotel/motel to spend a relaxing night for a comfortable sleep after a nice dinner. It is wise to stop at a bank when entering a different country to puchase enough of a local currency to carry you to the next country’s customs crossing: credit card thieves inhabit every nook and cranny. Another indispensable item is a good map with your route highlighted from begining to end in addition to purchasing a smart phone with GPS. I am 5 weeks from my start date (I’m also busy vacating my house and putting everything in storage). More travel info in the weeks ahead.

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About Fortunato Velasquez

Fortunato Velasquez received his Registered Nurse's license from the State of California during the month that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. On February 15, 2020, my friend and the director of the Fundación Señor San José in La Paz, La Paz, Honduras, Sister Edith Suazo Fernandez died at the age of 47. This a video of her funeral.

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