Seattle Bound

Life is often a maelstrom of exigencies clamoring for attention. Traveling is like that. Ergot the preparations for my trip to Seattle next month. The daily care of my growing garden is of prime importance. Having keys made for the lady providing that care to enter my yard, scheduling a teeth-cleaning appointment, maintenance for my ailing Chevy pickup, consulting with my attorney concerning placing a lien against the property of the sleazy lawyer who owes me money and refuses to pay, dealing with my English class at the Childen’s Home, long distance scheduling of my annual MD visits with my surgical orthopedist, my eye doc, and my primary care physician at the Seattle VA Hospital. So much to do, so little time. A word about dental care in Latin America, the reason why so many gringos travel south to see a dentist. In Honduras, a teeth-cleaning appointment costs $25. As does a filling. My one tooth implant, a six-month procedure, cost me $1,700. I am eager to spend a month with my family in the Seattle area. Yet, at the end of that month, I will be happy to return to my home in paradise.

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About Fortunato Velasquez

Fortunato Velasquez received his Registered Nurse's license from the State of California during the month that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. On February 15, 2020, my friend and the director of the Fundación Señor San José in La Paz, La Paz, Honduras, Sister Edith Suazo Fernandez died at the age of 47. This a video of her funeral.

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