Monthly Archives: September 2016


There have been legends and oral history passed down by indigenous folk of five meters tall humans living in the western hemisphere centuries before the fifteenth-century European invasion: a fact also written in the historical record by the invading Spaniards. In the Cueva de Gigantes located above Marcala about 80 kilometers above La Paz the cave is thought to have been home to a tribe of giants 15 feet tall (La Tribuna Lunes 25 de julio, 2016. Tegucigalpa). A friend in La Paz recently showed me pictures of immense human bones he discovered in a cave while hunting high in the mountains above La Paz, along with other ancient relics. He has promised to take me there so that I might photograph the site and take measurement of the bones alongside a comparative object. It should be quite an enlightening adventure.

Corrida de Toros

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In Honduras the bull at the bullfight is not killed nor hurt in any way. There were nine bulls on the program, each bout lasting approximately 20 minutes. A great way to spend an Independence Day afternoon. Especially since my friend Celeste’s grandmother lives right across the street from the bull ring in the municipalidad of San Sebastian about half an hour from La Paz. Viva México! Viva Honduras!

Music Festival

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At the beginning of the year Sister Edith enrolled all the children at the Hogar in a music program conducted by musicians of the Tegucigalpa Symphony Orchestra in a joint music program with the Municipalidad de Cane ten miles from La Paz for the immediate region’s children. Our children are learning to play musical instuments and to sing in a choir along with many others. The season’s final concert demonstrated their virtuosity. Another continuing months-long training period begins in October. When provided the opportunity and encouraged by patient, caring professionals all children can learn. Their curiosity expands, their self-esteem is positively reinforced and amplified, and dreams form in their receptive minds.