Yesterday I met with the director of the Comayagua regional office of the Instituto Hondureño de Antropología E Historia. I had emailed her Friday with photos of the ancient indigenous ollas recently discovered in the municipality of La Paz. We discussed the possibility of initiating an archaeological survey and possible dig at one of the most promising sites. Perhaps involving university students from Tegucigalpa. The museum has many antiquities, including a replica of the Giant Cave located in the mountains about 40 miles above La Paz. Human occupation has been documented there by archaeologists dating to 9,480 BCE. It is perhaps the oldest site of human habitation in Central America: precursors of the local Lenca culture. I have also included two photos of a recent visit with my friend Celeste to the thermal hot springs a few miles from La Paz. It is a natural hot spring made comfortable with a nice adjacent swimming pool one can jump into from hot to cold. There are many hot springs in surrounding areas of the Comayagua Valley, most undeveloped. That may change with construction of a new international airport.