Monthly Archives: February 2015

Peace Corps Adventure

Six years ago today I arrived in Honduras; one of fifty Peace Corps Trainees leaving Washington DC at three in the morning I looked out the airplane window as its tires jounced onto the tarmac and taxied the short distance to Toncontín Airport, Tegucigalpa. My first thought was that the capital city looked much like México, land of my forefathers. Little did I know that my life would be changed forever. An adventure indeed. Besides helping with the development of the Fundación Señor San José, a home for at-risk children, I have integrated my daily life in tune with the desires and priorities of the citizens of La Paz, the community into which I have settled after completing my Peace Corps service. As I smooth out the edges of my remaining time on this planet my goal has remained constant. Assisting to help better the lives of children with few resources, my journey has led me to tackle the recognition and development of an archaeological treasure trove that has existed ten kilometers from where I live for 6,000 years. I will do that with lectures and field trips involving all the children of La Paz who have little idea of the ancient heritage lying literally at their feet.

El Chircal – Instituto Hondureño De Antropología E Historia

I began my research into the El Chircal Zona Arqueológica located near the colonia of Yarumela, La Paz yesterday by meeting with the Director of the Museum Regional Centro IHAH in Comayagua as well as the Inspector de Sitios Arqueológicos. They were interested in the idea of site development and provided me with copies of the annual publication of YAXKIN circa 2001 and 2002 that document past excavations at various sites in Honduras by academics from UC Berkeley, Cornell University, Harvard, UCLA and others that have produced indigenous chronologies dating from 4,000 BCE. I will study the works of science in the days ahead as I begin contacting local authorities. It appears there has been conflict between officials of Miravalle, a caserío at the site of the pyramids, the colonia of Yarumela that also claims the pyramids, and the departmental administrative capital of La Paz: Politicians.

School Days febrero 2015

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The children of the Hogar San José attend school in three different jornadas or time periods. The three youngest, kindergarten and first grade (not pictured), are in the morning period. And the six boys (not pictured), aged 6 to 9 are also in the morning period. In the afternoon period four young ladies are in colegio, seventh to 12th grades. There are also nine young ladies in the afternoon escuela period, fourth to sixth grade. And in the evening colegio period because of their age are the two eldest. All the children are required to attend classes and they are eager to go to school and study. They are so happy as they get ready every morning their homework completed the day before. I am so proud of them.