Monthly Archives: November 2012

Thanksgiving Day IV 2012


Thanksgiving Day is not a national holiday in Honduras and only within the past two or three years has it even been recognized by the local populace via the usual commercial media promotions, no doubt due to the large number of Honduran immigrants living in the US. Known as Día de Acción de Gracias the newspapers, TV and radio are beginning to make it a major event, along with Christmas Day which has been a major money draw for several years. Since everyone works on Thursday, we celebrated our special day of thanks this past Saturday. About 50 friends, family and compañeros gathered with us at the Hogar San José for our Fourth Annual Thanksgiving Day to give thanks for our many blessings. Our new building´s initial planning work is back on schedule, the children are healthy and happy, we continue to advance forward, slowly but surely. There is much to be thankful for this season. This is my favorite time of the year in Honduras. The rainy days are over and it will be sunny, cool and balmy until next February. In January I will be traveling to the States. Life is good.

Adelante Paso a Paso

adelante-paso-a-paso-14-noviembre-2012-003.jpgadelante-paso-a-paso-14-noviembre-2012-004.jpgadelante-paso-a-paso-14-noviembre-2012-005.jpg This week we painted the new Pupusería. Actually it was Edith´s sister and niece who did the work.


There are many more improvements to be made before we delve into food sales. But each step forward is a step toward self-sustainabilty. Necessary steps are haltingly made due to financial constraints, such as money for a fogon on which to cook food, outdoor lighting for evening sales, tables and chairs, etc. The construction of our new building is mired in a newly discovered sewage problem that may require extensive repairs before actual construction can begin, setting the new Hogar San José´s completion date back even more than anticipated.

Cumpleaños 3 November 2012


Yes, Saturday was my birthday. The day happened to coincide with a visit from a group of volunteers from England in country for 11 weeks who arrived to prepare lunch for the children. Saturday is also the day I have an English class for the more advanced students; which of course was cancelled. Nonetheless, we had a great time. Delicious food, fun and games for the children, a piñata, cake, music and camaraderie. I love my work.