Intibuca, the city in the departamento of the same name, is the principal city at the highest elevation in the country. It is cool there in the mountainous country nestled within the tall peaks, its own little environment far from the lowland heat. From September 30 to October 3rd the Peace Corps hosted a taller there focused on Maternal/Child Health with an emphasis on healthy eating and common childhood illnesses in Honduran children such as malnutrition, dehydration and pneumonia. The two bottom right pics are of the resort, Los Pinos, where we stayed. Each PC Volunteer brought two Honduran contrapartes; all Peace Corps training staff are Honduran. In the middle pics a friendly parrot greets us to an organic farm where we all pitch in to prepare the ground for planting seeds, with a corn treat afterwards. The next day we went to a local hospital for more field training. And, of course, we had a fair amount of classroom training livened up with action dinamicas. Our inservice training is designed to foster cooperation and teamwork, form friendships and create a great learning environment as each culture learns from the other.
Intibuca (Een-tee-boo-CAH)
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