My initial plans for posting in-country may be complicated by erratic internet service. I have learned that ATT Worldwide Gobal Satellite Wireless Internet provision (the only provider available from within the U.S.) excludes the country of Honduras. That leaves me with the options of relying on WiFi internet cafes or other WiFi sites, and pay-per-use internet sites. I have traveled in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula several times and pay-per-use sites were all over the place for very nominal fees. Everything depends, of course, on where my permanent posting will be. If my assignment is in a rural, outlying area where the Peace Corps tells me they will provide me with a horse or a donkey to see clients, my posts may not be weekly. There is, however, another possibility. I may be able to locate an ISP after I arrive in Honduras. Our training class of 50 new volunteers will be stationed in Tegucigalpa, the capital, for three months to prepare us for language training and the transition to a new culture and environment. This is definitely a challenge I will address as soon as I hit the ground.
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