Monthly Archives: December 2011

Feliz Navidad 2011


We don’t do big Christmases in our family anymore, as the family has grown there’s now a bunch of smaller celebrations.  It’s still a holiday time of year with gifts under a mighty fine tree and gingerbread houses on which to gaze and graze.  At this time back in La Paz the children are eagerly waiting to open the gift box I mailed for Navidad, inside a gift for each child and adult living at the Hogar.  I will be returning to Honduras in about four weeks, forced to put the pursuit of the donated ambulance on hold for now.  I’m confident it will happen.  In the weeks ahead we will be initiating construction on the new orphanage and organizing a governing body required by law, after the granting of the Personeria Juridica by the federal government, for the management of the Fundacion Senor San Jose.  I’m looking forward to also resuming the HIV+ case management and self-support group with my colleague Dra Lily as well as tackling a whole new at-risk population at a home for 30 resident alcoholics.  In short, I’ll be back at work in a month.