I had an appointment with my orthopedist today. I have been scheduled for my final elbow surgery on 14 September. Inasmuch as the fisioterapia is not helping much, however, the doc has allowed me to spend the intervening 5 weeks in Honduras. I will be back in my apartment in La Paz the first week of August and I will return to Seattle in September for my last operation and an additional three months of convalescence. My next posting will originate from Centro America!
Monthly Archives: July 2011
Cuatro de Julio Dos Mil Once
My previous two 4th of July holidays have been celebrated out of the country. This year, dos mil once, I am in Seattle. Having been back in the States for five months I have mixed emotions over what I have experienced since my temporary return. First and foremost I have had to reconcile myself to the fact that I am not going anywhere until my arm heals. This was cemented in my mind after the first ineffective surgery back in February. I am now one month postop from my second surgery and realizing that a positive mental outlook is essential to eventual recovery I dedicate myself to my daily fisioterapia routine and try to smile despite the pain. In addition I continue my thrice weekly visits to my friend Tony Dao, the Hand Specialist, for it is the daily therapy that will help prepare me for an eventual release to duty. Every day I hope that the muscle and tendon stretching exercises will take hold and remain permanent. For the alternative to no progress is further surgery. So I view the next two months as crucial; by the end of August there should be enough improvement to determine which path will be followed as I continue a routine that I hope will return me to Honduras soon.